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Design Professionals Directory

Find an architect or design professional for your project, big or small, here by using the search functions found below. Architects and design professionals solve problems in creative ways and help turn a vision into reality. They are responsible for the planning, design, project management, materials selection, and more. All individuals within this directory are AIA Iowa individual members, visit this link to learn more about AIA Individual Membership.

Type in the full name or first few letters and other search criteria to locate an AIA Iowa individual member. For a complete list of the designations visit AIA Iowa designation definitions. If you would 
like to be included in this list, visit AIA.org or email info@aiaiowa.org.


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The area of the state in which the business or individual is physically located - Choose Central Iowa, North East Iowa, North West Iowa, South East Iowa, South West Iowa, or Out Of State
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AIA Iowa Firm Members