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Future Architects - Young Adults

Young Adults 15-17

Recommended activities and course work would include taking core classes or Pre-AP courses that prepare you for college, Pre-Algebra and/or Algebra 1 or something similar near the end of 8th Grade, art classes that include working on architectural skills like sketching, painting, photography, etc. Learn more in the Guide for Counselors and Educators.



Counselors, Educators, and Parents

Are you guiding a student toward a career in architecture? Look no further. Use the resources below to educate, engage and inspire your future architects.

Curated List of Architecture Books for Young Adults

  • Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  • Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple
  • A Year at the Chateau by Dick and Angel Strawbridge
  • Metropolis: A History of the City, Humankind's Greatest Invention by Ben Wilson
  • The Promise of Elsewhere by Brad Leithauser
  • Engaging Deception by Regina Jennings
  • Under Lock & Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian


Looking for a Speaker?
Would you like an architect to come and speak to your group? Whether it is an after school program, class, career fair, or similar, we can arrange that for you. Reach out to us at info@aiaiowa.org with the potential date, time, location and audience and we will make it happen!

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