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2025 Committees & Task Forces

AIA Iowa has several committees consisting of AIA Iowa Member Volunteers. The overall goal of AIA Iowa Committees is to further the mission of the organization, carry out the Chapter's strategic plan, and provide programs and services to AIA Iowa Members. Are you an AIA Iowa Member and are looking for a way to get involved? Contact AIA Iowa Staff at 515.244.7502 or info@aiaiowa.org.

Advocacy & Outreach Committee

Co-Chair: Andrew Evans, Assoc. AIA
Co-Chair: Matthew Gaul, AIA
Lobbying Team: R.G. Schwarm and Matt McKinney
Board Liaison: Naura Heiman Godar, AIA
Staff Liaison: Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa and Colette Sheaff
The purpose of the Advocacy & Outreach Committee is to represent the membership in advocacy related to legislative activity, outreach to collateral organizations, and the public. Current programming includes the AIA Iowa Citizen Architect Program, Architecture Month, Guidebook to Architecture and Construction for Schools, Architects Day on the Hill, Legislative Roundtable, and more. The Advocacy & Outreach Committee meets virtually the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30 PM.

Annual Convention Committee

Co-Chair: TBD
Co-Chair: TBD
Board Liaison: Brian Warthen, AIA
Staff Liaisons: Margaret Godwin, Chris Huling, Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa, Vicki Scott, and Colette Sheaff
The purpose of the Convention Committee to organize all aspects of the annual convention, which includes various educational workshops, national and international keynote speakers, professional awards and recognition, and a display of the latest architectural products and services. This committee meets virtually monthly April through September. The 2024 Convention will be held September 23-24, 2024 at the Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA.

Awards Committee

Chair: Zach Detterman, AIA
Board Liaison: Lyndley Kent, AIA
Staff Liaison: Colette Sheaff
This committee provides a platform to showcase excellence in design that is produced by AIA Iowa architects and firms, selected by a panel of distinguished jurors as well as honors individuals for their contribution to the Chapter and profession. The committee organizes entries and nominations for the AIA Iowa Annual Design Awards Competition, Craft Awards, Individual Awards, and the Impact Awards programs. This committee meetings along with the Annual Convention Committee and as needed throughout the year.

Disaster Assistance Committee

Chair: Jason Kruse, AIA
Board Liaison: Andrew Reich, AIA
Staff Liaison: Chris Huling
This Committee is responsible for training and securing a Specialty Team for the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD). The AIA Iowa Disaster Assistance Program Team is composed of AIA Iowa members and other personnel from associated organizations. The purpose of the team is to supplement the State of Iowa's limited building and structure assessment and inspection capability following a natural or man-made disaster. Activities during an emergency response initiated by a Governor's proclamation or disaster emergency include performing a visual assessment of the subject building to identify suspected disaster-related compromise to the building's physical integrity or habitability per Homeland Security Criteria of buildings and vertical structures following a disaster in order to expedite the process that will return the building or structure back to daily operations. This Specialty Team is defined by Iowa Code § 29C.8(f) and 605 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 12 and approved and recognized by Iowa HSEMD. This committee meets as needed.

Emerging Professionals Committee

Co-chair: Erica Schaefer, AIA
Co-chair: Ben Hansen, AIA
Board Liaison: Cassandra Coffin, Assoc. AIA
Staff Liaison: Chris Huling
The purpose of the Emerging Professionals Committee is to support Associate AIA members and AIA members licensed to practice architecture for fewer than 10 years through mentorship, guidance, information, and a network for intellectual and social interaction. Included in this committee are champions for initiatives such as the AIA Iowa Mentorship Program, EP Breakfast and Competition at the Annual Convention, support for student groups at Iowa State University Department of Architecture through events and sponsorships, and the Architectural Experience Program (AXP). This committee meets virtually the 2nd Monday of the month at 12 PM.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee

Co-Chair: Jesus "Chucho" Loria Quijano, AIA  
Gladys Petersen, AIA
Board Liaison: Jenna Wiegand, AIA
Staff Liaison: Chris Huling

The purpose of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee is to strengthen a culture of belonging, engage the voices and actions of AIA Iowa members to promote inclusion, and support members with diverse backgrounds. Current programming includes the Bee an Architect Activity and Coloring Book and the Search for Shelter program. This committee meets virtually the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM.

Finance Committee

Chair & Board Liaison: Lyndley Kent, AIA
Staff Liaisons: Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa and Vicki Scott

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to maintain Chapter investments, set long range financial goals, and Board Policies related to Chapter finances. The committee is made up of the Chapter Board’s First and Second Vice President, and a Board Director led by the Treasurer. This committee meets virtually each quarter.

Iowa Architect Magazine Editorial Board

Editor: Grant Nordby, AIA
Board Liaison: Jonathan Ramsey, AIA
Staff Liaisons: Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa and Colette Sheaff
The purpose of the Iowa Architect Magazine and the Editorial Board is to showcase the best in Iowa and Midwest architecture, and to serve as a guide for design, the arts, literature, and innovative products and technology for its readers. When a position opens on the Editorial Board there will be a call distributed to all members regarding the process for application and election. The Editorial Board meets virtually three quarters a year and once in person, plus an annual planning meeting.

Membership Committee

Chair & Board Liaison:  Matthew Gaul, AIA
Staff Liaison: Vicki Scott

The purpose of the Membership Committee is to increase and maintain the membership of AIA Iowa. This committee is necessary based on AIA Iowa Bylaws and tasks involved are mainly associated with staff duties. The chair of this committee is held by the Board Secretary and works closely with AIA Iowa staff.

Nominating Committee

Chair & Board Liaison: Lisa Kalaher, AIA
Staff Liaison: Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa

The mission of the Nominating Committee is to identify and recommend future leaders to the Board of Directors and the General Membership through an inclusive and transparent process. They are responsible for the annual call for nominations to the Board and determining the slate of Board Officers and Directors for the annual election process. This committee meets two times per year.

Professional Development Committee

Chair: Steve King, AIA
Board Liaison: Jesse Bulman, AIA
Staff Liaison: Colette Sheaff

The purpose of this committee is to provide quality continuing education for AIA Iowa members and nonmembers across the state of Iowa and intellectual discussion on important topics concerning the profession. Current programming includes planning for the annual Procrastinator's Ball that typically garners attendees at least 5 hours of education, as well as other educational offerings. This committee meets quarterly in a virtual format.

Spring Conference Committee

Chair & Board Liaison: Naura Heiman Godar, AIA
Staff Liaisons: Chris Huling, Jessica Reinert, Hon. AIA Iowa and Colette Sheaff

This committee organizes all aspects of the Spring Conference which includes various educational workshops and a mix of local and national keynote speakers all provided in a virtual format. The 2025 Spring Conference will be held on April 3-4. This committee meets virtually approximately twice per month from November through April.

Get Involved

AIA Iowa members are invited to serve on the above committees. There are several benefits to being a volunteer including building your leadership skills, getting to know others in the architecture and design community, giving back to the profession, and many more. For more information contact AIA Iowa Staff at 515.244.7502 or info@aiaiowa.org.

Looking for a way to get involved? Contact AIA Iowa staff at info@aiaiowa.org, 515.244.7502, or visit this link to view a list of current opportunities,  Get Involved.

AIA Iowa Firm Members