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The American Institute of Architects, Iowa Chapter is a Component of the AIA. More than 1,200 individuals from across the state of Iowa are members of the Chapter. Over 90% of registered architects in the state are members of the Chapter. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and businesses.PROMOTION Hosting an event or program that you think will be of interest to architects? AIA Iowa would be happy to include a listing in our weekly ARCH-E-NEWS email to our members if your event or program meets the following: - Organized by an Iowa non-profit (501c3 or 501c6) related to the design community If your event or program meets the above criteria, we will list it in one weekly newsletter article, if space allows, directly prior to your event or program. We are not able to send a stand-alone email to our membership. AIA Iowa reserves the right to refuse any submitted promotion request. Looking to further promote your event or program to our membership? Advertise with AIA Iowa. We have a variety of opportunities to ramp up your marketing efforts. Check out the options in our store online. Have additional questions or a an event or program that fits the criteria above? Email Chris Huling to connect. PARTNERSHIP AIA Iowa often works with other nonprofits to collaborate on the planning and presentation of events or programs of interest to the design community. A partnership with AIA Iowa involves collaborative planning and implementation as well as cost and profit sharing. AIA Iowa considers each potential partnership on a case-by-case basis contingent on resources and relevancy to our mission and our members. If you would like to become a partner on an upcoming event or program, please contact Chris Huling. MARKET Looking to increase your reach with the architecture profession? Look no further! Marketing your business through a partnership with AIA Iowa increases your credibility and visibility, improves your image, and builds prestige. It is a strategic way to reach your target audience and grow your business. Let us help you build a plan that meets your goals. Check out all our marketing opportunities for 2025 here. Looking for more information email Chris Huling to connect! PROVIDER Want to accredit your upcoming event for education learning units but you are not a registered AIA provider? AIA Iowa looks to partner together to offer more learning opportunities to architects across the state. Reach out to Chris Huling to discuss your event in detail and see if this is a great fit for your needs! SPONSOR As a non-profit, AIA Iowa generally is not able provide funding to other non-profit organizations. However, the AIA Iowa Board of Directors will consider specific and detailed proposals to fund opportunities that would be of interest to our members and the design community, or help the Chapter to reach our advocacy goals. Funding is limited and a professional proposal detailing the appropriate information (date, time, location, program description, speakers, specific ask, other organizations involved, benefits to the Chapter, etc.) will help our board come to a decision. If you would like to submit a proposal for funding please send your detailed proposal to AIA Iowa’s Executive Director Jessica Reinert. PARTICIPANTS If you are looking for AIA Iowa members to participate within your organization, program, or event as committee members, task force participants, jury members, panelists, or speakers please send a detailed email to our Executive Director, Jessica Reinert. * While adhering to these guidelines, AIA Iowa reserves the right to evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis to determine our involvement. As a non-profit membership service organization, the Chapter resources are first focused on our core mission to serve our members. AIA Iowa appreciates being approached for our involvement in other organizations and events, but we cannot participate in every opportunity.
AIA Iowa is the largest professional organization for architects in the state. Whether you're looking for Architects or Design Professionals, Allied Members or Industry Experts, AIA Iowa has you covered. Pursue your project with confidence knowing you have access to the top performers in the field.
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